Sahra Ahmed Kulmiya
QE-CDT student Sahra Ahmed Kulmiya was interviewed for her work on quantum computing, including a feature for BBC Breakfast! Sahra, who was in cohort 6, studied for her PhD with Prof Hensinger at Sussex University. “Being a Bristol CDT student working on exciting stuff at the IQT (Ion Quantum Technology) Group at Sussex has been a very rewarding experience. Working in one of the biggest Ion Trapping Labs in the UK means delving into and benefitting from lots of expertise and breakthroughs, such as the Inter-module transport across chips. Not only do I get to see the charged atomic qubits moving around deterministically, I am also directly involved with the speed up and many improvements involved in the scalable architecture developed by a great and smart team I am happy to call friends. Even as an offsite student, I always feel supported by the Bristol CDT team with plenty of opportunity to come back and participate in team building activities.”